Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Install nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS from tar Binaries or NodeSource

Install nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS from tar

Install nodejs on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS from tar
Official Nodejs Logo

Download Linux Binaries

First of all you need to download nodejs Linux Binaries that are available from downloads.

For example:
You have downloaded the file to your desktop and the name of the file is node-v6.9.5-linux-x64.tar.xz . Now open your terminal from Desktop. If you open terminal from anywhere else then relocate to Desktop using cd command.

If you do not have xz-utils installed then run the following command: 
sudo apt-get install xz-utils

After that run the command below:
sudo tar -C /usr/local --strip-components 1 -xJf node-v6.9.5-linux-x64.tar.xz

Be careful about the file name (red marked).

After that, to check if you are done run this command:
node -v

You should get the version number of currently installed node. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

How and Why to join windows insider program

How or why to join windows insider program

I am not going to give you formal definition of anything here. I will just write what I know. I will try not to exaggerate about this simple topic. So let's read what I am going to write.

What is windows insider program?

Windows insider program is a program where any windows user can join to get some extra privilege. I think privilege is not the perfect word here. By joining windows insider program you can get early access to their updates. Like new features added to windows or mobile windows.

Why is windows insider program?

As I've mentioned earlier by joining windows insider program you can get early access to their updates.

How to join windows insider program?

First of all you have to be a windows user. Pretty straight forward. Click on Start menu and go to Settings. Then go to Update and security  click on Windows Update > Advanced options. Under Get Insider Preview builds click on Get started button and follow their procedures. 

That's it! Now you have access to windows insider preview build program.

Now give me a thanks. :)

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